This new version has more security and more facilities than the erlier one. Just download it then unpacking then upload it to your server after this run yourdomain/setup.php
enjoy with this new script
Script Name:
Mail form with attachment This mail form can send mail with attachment just fill config.php with the needed information and go ahead
Script Name:
BSW Photo Gallery v2 This is a very simple photo gallery which is written in PHP code You need a MySql database and table with name gallery. to inastall this script just follow the following: 1- fill the file config.php with the the information of your database name and database user and the password 2-run install.php to create the table gallery in your database. We hope that you enjoy with this script and let us know your openion.
Script Name:
BSW Mathematical Tools This script is a mathematics script written in PHP code. with it you can find the roots of nonlinear equations by three methods also you can interpolate a data up to second order
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BSW Message Board V 2 This message board is based on PHP script only and does not need any database. Just download it then unpacke the compressed file then upload it to your server after filling the config.php
BSW visitors counter
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